Preparing for Puppy Workshop!

Support for planning, adopting/purchasing, and bringing home your puppy!

“ To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated.” James Carse

Planning to get a dog? or Just brought home your dog… now what?

Our 1 Hour workshop is full of information to help you and your new dog start on the right foot. Instead of spending hours on the internet, sifting through good and bad information; instead spend 1 hour with us and get answers to all of your questions! Additionally, anyone who purchases the New Puppy Workshop will receive special discounts on all future Puppy Training Programs!

Preparing your home & life for a dog! Puppies are great at costing money. Chewing, peeing, pet supplies, vet bills, groomer, dog walker, boarding etc. Book our New Puppy Workshop now so we can save you money!

What happens once the puppy is home? Puppies are learning from the second they walk through the door. That means Training, management, and boundaries need to be established Asap. If you don’t set them up for success, they can get hurt! Let us guide you to make your puppy training life easy from the start.

What dog should you get? Dogs on average live 10-13 years and there are over 400 dog breeds! Researching what breed’s personality traits harmonize with your life is incredibly important. You don’t want to live with a bad roommate for 10 years; or worse, have to think about rehoming.

Where should I adopt or buy my dog? Where should I adopt from? Do I need a reference to adopt? Who should I buy a puppy from? Is it safe to buy a puppy from a stranger? We can answer these questions!

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